September 2021 Working Paper Days
The Working Paper Days is a bi-annual event organized by the S.E.R.G. to allow its members to present their current work to the team and get feedback. Each presentor receives feedback from a junior and a senior reviewer.
Paper presentations:
- Fawaz David Salihou: What combination(s) of economic and non-economic incentives for modal shift towards sustainable mobility solutions in France?
- Quentin Hoarau: Battery recycling from electric vehicles in Europe: What can be expected?
- Emilien Ravigné: Directed Technical Change: à new perspective on Hicks hypothesis
- Joseph Mansour Salamé: Proposal and application of a framework for monitoring environmental decisions in infrastructure projects
- Francisco Santos Alonso Lastras: Stakeholder Value Network approach for the modeling of innovative business models for the charging infrastructure deployment in the electric vehicle ecosystem: from EV sellers to energy managers
- Laura -Mariana Reyes Madrigal: The place of walking in Mobility as a Service: Appraisal of active modes towards more sustainable MaaS solutions.
- Eliane Horschutz Nemoto: The integration of automated minibuses into the mobility systems – an analysis by the lens of socio-technical transitions and multi-level perspectives.
- Arthur Lynch: The stakes of nuclear schedule optimization in electric systems operation with renewable energy
- Adrienne De Bazelaire de Lesseux: Phd Proposal description
- Emma Jagu Schippers: Building CO2 pipelines ahead of demand : the case of Net Zero Teesside
- Alexis Lebeau: Long-term issues with the energy-only market design in the context of electricity decarbonization: Insights from a system dynamics simulation model
- Emily Little: Expanding the Flow-based Method for the European Day Ahead Market through the Multi-domain Approach
- Marie Girod: Assessment of short-term congestion management techniques most suited to near real-time European balancing platforms
- Marc Olivier Metais: Planning charging infrastructure deployment : A new spatio-temporal model
- Bassem Haidar: Assessing the 2021-2025-2030 CO2 standards on automakers' portfolio vehicles' segments
- Diego Cebreros: The architecture of V2G
- Wale Arowolo: Solar EV-City concept: a french case study
- Marc Olivier Metais: Planning charging infrastructure deployment : A new spatio-temporal model
- Remi Lauvergne: Integration of electric vehicles into transmission grids: a case study on the economic impacts and generation-load adequacy in Europe in 2040
- Icaro Freitas Gomes: New electric vehicle rate design: An MPEC assessment