Albert Banal Estanol

Biography: Albert was born in 1976 and is Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona and Full Professor at City, University of London. He is associated with the doctoral school to which the S.E.R.G. belongs.
Previously, he held teaching and research positions at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, IFP-Energies Nouvelles in France, Northwestern University in the US, the University of Cambridge and London Business School in the UK and the University of Mannheim in Germany.
Currently, he is also Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), Visiting Professor of the College of Europe in Brugge/Bruges (Belgium), and research fellow at the IESE Business School and at the DIW Berlin.
Albert is member of the Academic Panel of the UK’s energy regulator, the Office for Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) and of the UK’s competition authority, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Albert is also former President and member of the Governing Council of Som Energia, a Spanish cooperative that produces and sells renewable energy (solar/wind).
Albert has co-written and acted as a technical expert in several reports for consultancies, energy regulators, competition authorities, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations, such as E.CA Economics, the UK’s CMA, the European Commission’s Directorate General (DG) for Competition, the European Parliament and the European Climate Foundation (ECF). Some of his recent reports include “Towards Net-Zero? Gas Infrastructure and Investment Regulation in Spain” for ECF and “The Economic Impact of Enforcement of Competition Policies on the Functioning of EU Energy Markets” for the European Commission’s DG for Competition.
Research topics: Albert’s research is in the areas of economics of energy and sustainability, competition policy and regulation and corporate finance. His research uses (and combines) a wide variety of theoretical, econometric, experimental and numerical techniques.
Teaching activities: Albert is the co-director of the executive courses on “Sustainable Finance” and “Energy Economics: Current Methods and Policy Challenges” at the BSE. Albert has also organised and delivered an extensive range of more than 20 in-house professionally-oriented executive training courses for (i) energy regulators and competition authorities such as Mexico’s Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (COFECE), (ii) government agencies such as the UK’s Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and (iii) private companies such as Gaz de France/Engie. Albert has also organised several courses on energy regulation, competition policy and project finance for regulators across Africa in several African cities in collaboration with the World Bank, the EU and the African Forum for Utility Regulators.
Management duties: Albert is the Director of the MSc in Finance and Banking at the UPF-BSM, Deputy Director of the MSc in Economics of Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainability at the BSE, and former director of the MSc in Competition and Regulation at City, University of London.
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